Saturday 14 July 2012

Replace or not replace?

Considering emerging problems with new Fuji X10 sensor (links in my previous post) I would rather keep the original sensor for some time. My Fuji X10 can produce spectacular orbs but as I explained several times, it is not a big issue for me but the noise at low iso will be a big problem considering that I mainly use the weak noise filter.

However, I may not be able to use Fuji X10 for some time. And this is a real problem because I got used to that small camera with very good interface / controls. I do like buttons on cameras, and I am very satisfied with the Fuji X10 in this respect. I have two options: stick with my DSLR for that time or buy another small camera. In fact, I want to use this situation as an excuse to buy a new camera :)

While I do like Fuji X10 I would not buy the second camera for several reasons, and this makes the situation even more complicated because I do like Fuji's JPEGs. Fuji has couple other interesting cameras, X100 and X-Pro1. However, the X100 has/had the sticky blades problem, and I don't want to have this issue after warranty.  The X-Pro1 has no obvious issues, but it does not look like a camera I want to buy. I am not a pro. The camera is relatively big and heavy, and it is quite expensive for me. While Fuji may release a cheaper body, I doubt it would happen any time soon. I would prefer to get  the "X200" without lens issue but again, it seems that the next version of Fuji X100 would not be released in nearby future. 

So, I probably will check other cameras.

Flamingo Lily
Flamingo Lily. Fuji X10.

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