Wednesday 2 May 2012

just bits and pieces

Several days ago dpreview have published their opinion on the Olympus OM-D E-M5. Arguably, it is the best m4/3 camera from Olympus. The price of the E-M5 in Australia is similar to the US price, if you shop around. After all, it is Australia, and here big shops give discounts when you ask to match the price and pay cash. This is very welcome change because most cameras in Down Under are priced significantly higher.

Recently Samsung finally had announced three new mirrorless cameras aimed on different users. The pricing in Australia is unknown, but in the US the NX20 is priced similar to Olympus OM-D E-M5. The NX is very attractive system, especially considering available lenses.

On other hand, it is amazing that two giants of the camera world are essentially in hibernation in area of mirrirless cameras. OK, last year Nikon had released two Nikon 1 cameras with very limited external controls, and Canon recently had announced G1X with very slow lens. Compare Nikon to Samsung/Olympus/Panasonic, and Canon to Fuji. Both Nikon and Canon invested heavily into DSLR cameras and lenses. I bet both companies can create very capable mirrorless cameras but this will affect their DSLRs business. While both companies do enjoy a loyalty of photographers (invest in lenses not cameras :)) it might last until development of fast focus on mirrorless cameras. Ten years ago Kodak was a big company... Ironically, Kodak developed (one of) the first digital camera and shelved it. It didn't help.

1 comment:

  1. Samsung NX20 It’s a great travel camera, but making improvements on its AF would make it even greater.
    Samsung NX-20
