Friday 4 May 2012

More rumors on Samsung and Olympus

Supermacro on Fuji X10 | iso 100, F5.6, 1/80 sec + GIMP | Toowong, April 17, 2012

I came across several interesting rumors about Olympus and Samsung. First, it seems that the new Zuiko m4/3 lens, ED 75mm f1.8, is available for testing. Than, there are very ambiguous rumors on new camera from Olympus. I hope this camera would be able to handle 4/3 lenses... Considering that Olympus E-M5 is available only for pre-order in big markets like US, it is unlikely that the company will release another m3/4 in nearby future unless it is produced independently from the E-M5.

It is expected that Samsung will announce/release two lenses in September (time for Photokina). But the most interesting rumor for me was about a new sensor from Samsung. It was mentioned that the company is working on new sensor with smaller pixel count than their current APS-C sensor. That is really great news for me. Personally I am more than happy with 12 MP sensors in my cameras. The images I post online are less than 1 MP. I would rather prefer to have sensor with low noise and good per pixel sharpness that would be able to handle low contrast areas. I love the Fuji X-Pro1 but it is expensive and heavy.  Hopefully, Samsung will create a camera with less pixels but better dynamic range. I don't know what are the odds for that to happen. I probably will bet on a new (cheaper and lighter) camera from Fuji :)))

The flowers on the photo belongs to very popular cultivar of Cordyline fruticosa, or something similar.


  1. MP-phobes are amusing. APS-C is not like a compact or 2/3 or 4/3 sensor... Corrected for resolution, even the 'noisy' 20MP sensor in the NX2xx cameras is likely cleaner than any 12MP sensor at high ISO. And of course at low ISO, there's no comparison - the higher MP affords far greater flexibility. Don't spread FUD.

    1. I hardly see any need for me to have camera with high pixel count. There are some benefits (crop) but MPs come at certain cost. Diffraction will kick in earlier, and files are bigger. There are people who need or want more resolution (for stock agencies, for example). I am fine with that. But I would choose 16mp sensor from Fuji or Sony over current 20mp Samsung sensor. It is more than enough for my needs. The current 12mp sensor from m4/3 is in fact several years old (with few minor tweaks) , and I would not be surprised if Samsung beats it every aspect. Not so sure about 12 mp Fuji X100.
