Monday 30 April 2012

Future of Pentax

Recently I came across rumors about new Pentax DSLRs and new mirrorless camera on a Pentax forum. There was a lengthy discussion about K-01 and expected cheaper model, as well as Pentax DSLRs. Several years ago when I shopping for a DSLR Pentax cameras and lenses were on my list as very interesting and attractive system. Not so with their mirrorless cameras. The Q camera looks very strange for me. I would understand it with at least 2/3'' sensor as in Fuji X10. But 800 Australian dollars for a camera with 1/2.3'' sensor and one prime lens just does not make any sense for me. Then there are manual focus lenses for the camera with small sensor. I don't know if these lenses ever appeared in shops and who was a target group. The whole thing looks like a niche product for camera collectors.

As for the K-01... Can you imagine any female carrying K-01 in her handbag? The camera is just heavy for mirrorless and despite of it's size and weight there is no viewfinder and the rear screen is not articulated. So, shooting in bright sunlight or with long lenses can be problematic. Holding camera that weight over half of kilo steady in straight hands (that's how I often take pictures of bugs with Fuji X10) might be nice physical exercise :) In some situations all these things are irrelevant, and, after all, image quality of the K-01 apparently on par with the K-5 (= very good). It might be a good camera for "studio" work or something similar.

The K-01 is priced at 700AUD body only now, just a tad cheaper than Sony NEX-N5 with a similar sensor. For the same money it is possible to get Samsung NX200 with 20-50mm lens or Nikon J1 with 10-30mm lens not mentioning Olympus and Panasonic cameras. Even for Pentax users it would be cheaper to buy KX or KR DSLR as a second body, or just get K-5 body for 1000AUD in Ted's. I cannot imagine why K-01 should be attractive to someone without decent collection of Pentax lenses.

Then there are rumors about new lenses for K-01, with protruded back(?) elements, when the lens goes deep into a camera. This should keep the camera/lens size under control. However, such lenses might not be  compatible with DSLR cameras. So, what lens would prefer owners of a Pentax DSLR and K-01, "SLR" pancake lens or lens dedicated to K-01, considering that the weight probably will be very similar? Hint: "SLR" pancakes can be used on both cameras. Considering amount of available Pentax lenses, I wouldn't be surprised if it would be hard for the company to sell K-01-dedicated lenses. In this situation Pentax will compete with their own products (and very good products). Very gloomy scenario.

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