Thursday 20 June 2013

RX100 is still very popular

I like to check list of top selling cameras on Amazon. Sometimes the numbers are just unbelievable. For example, Fuji X100S is present in top 100 best selling cameras (position 68 in all categories). Fuji X100S is a great camera, no doubt but it is an elitist camera aimed on certain group of people. At $1300 it is one of the most expensive cameras in top 100 list. On other hand, other compact cameras with APS-C sensor, Nikon A and Ricoh GR, did not made it to the list on that day.

Another interesting fact: Sony RX100 is still selling close to $650. Today it was on position 21. Other camera with 1" sensor (Nikon 1) did not made it in top 100 list.  Nikon 1 J2 is selling for $300  including10-30mm VR lens but it is less popular that the Sony. J2 is not a latest model, but the replacement for Sony X100 is expected to be announced later this month. Still, Sony RX100 is prices twice more than the Nikon, and it is more popular.      

Nikon 1 is an amazing system with the fastest autofocus among current breed of mirrorless cameras, but many people want to have a small and capable camera. Nikon has the technology to make a good compact camera with 1" sensor and fast autofocus. Such camera probably would outsold RX100 or RX100MkII. But for now Sony is the only company producing 1" compact cameras.

This situation describes a very narrow segment of camera market, advanced compact and mirrorless cameras. The whole market is dominated by two giants. In fact, Nikon is very successful company.

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