Thursday 6 June 2013

Fuji X-E1 at iso 1600

Evening Brown
Common Brown | Fuji X-E1 & XF60mm Macro

Some time ago I've rented Fujinon XF60mm Macro lens. The XF18-55mm is not the best lens for macro, and I miss the close-up ability, especially after being used to the supermacro option on Fuji X10. I can swap X-E1 and X10 cameras every second day, but I prefer the image quality from the X-E1 for all other situations, especially for landscapes. It is in a different league compared to the X10.

Shooting macro can be challenging. I am talking about bugs and flowers, not studio type macro. For this type of macro a big depth of field is very important, so the good light is essential. Bright light creates a lot of problems, especially highlights clipping. And sometimes there is just not enough light. So, the iso goes up very often, especially on cameras with big sensors.

Here is a picture of Common Brown, one of the local butterfly, taken with Fuji X-E1 and XF60mm Macro at iso 1,600 at f/5.0 and 1/105 sec exposure. I believe the exposure compensation was set up to -0.7 but I need to check the original file (Exif on flickr does not show any exposure compensation for the cropped image). The lens is not stabilised, hence the exposure has to be relatively short. The image is cropped in GIMP and saved at ~77% JPEG quality. The bigger version is available on flickr including the original resolution.

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