Saturday 8 September 2012

Photos from Fuji X-E1 on flickr

Just search for XE1 (tags) on flickr and sort on Recent (link). It seems that someone in Hong Kong already got a Fuji X-E1. Official Fuji samples are also there.

The camera is already among top 20 most popular cameras.

I am very tempted to try Foveon technology with Sigma DP2M but I am not sure if I want to work with RAW files. I've done this with Olympus DSLR but JPEGs are more convenient. I have impression that working with RAWs is nearly compulsory for Sigma cameras while Fuji X-Pro1 is praised for JPEGs. I am very pleased with JPEGs from Fuji X10.

Olympus E-M5 is also very tempting camera on which I can use ZUIKO 50-200mm. I would chose Olympus over X-Pro1 because it is cheaper. The X-E1 changes this situation. Olympus may change it nearby future on the Photokina (I like rumours :-) ).

The problem is I am very happy with Fuji X10. Probably half of my pictures taken with Fuji X10 are in Supermacro mode. I can get 60mm macro for X mount but it has fairly small depth of field (after supermacro on Fuji X10). The subject isolation will be better. But compact cameras are very convenient for my needs. I wish in the future Fuji will put 1' sensor (present Nikon 1, Sony RX100) in X10-type cameras.  

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