Sunday 1 April 2012

Samsung NX20 and NX1000

Few rumors about new Samsung cameras, NX20 and NX1000, were circulated around the web during last week. The specs of the NX20 are more or less known (see the post on mirrorless rumors) but  it is good to know that the viewfinder on the NX20 apparently is as good as on Sony NEX-7. It seems that some people already got working cameras, and one shop, Camera Centre Dublin, already listed NX20 kit for 950 euros. Well, today is April 1, so I take all news with a grin of salt :) but here is the link. It seems that the cameras will be announced in nearby future.

I wish the NX20 will have bigger dynamic range in highlights than NX200. I suspect the price in Australia will be slightly over 1k, at least initially.

1 comment:

  1. samsung NX20 taken so nice picture,it is so really smart camera.
    Samsung NX-20
