Thursday 22 December 2011

Fujifilm X10 vs Olympus E-30

Size does matter. On the left is Olympus E-30 with Zuiko 14-54 F2.8-F3.5 (equivalent to 28-108mm). On the right is Fujifilm X10 with focal length (equivalent) 28-112mm and F2.0-F2.8, nearly full stop brighter than Zuiko. The cameras are on A4 paper sheet. Olympus has UV filter, and X10 has 49mm UV filter with step-up ring. The maximal iso on both cameras  is 3200 but the X10 has boost mode and can go higher, and I prefer high iso shots from the X10. I also like depth of field on X10, especially at wide angle and supermacro mode which is fun to use. Video is also handy to have.

Actually, the X10 is somewhat small for my hands. I would prefer to have a bigger grip (with bigger battery). The camera size (depth) is essentially determined by lens, so adding a grip would not affect portability but it will improve the battery life.

Just in case: I doubt that the X10 will replace Olympus E-30 for me. I suspect that with long exposure at base iso the pictures will be better on Olympus, which has better details in shady areas. Another factor is 50-200 F2.8-F3.5 SWD, my favorite lenses at the moment, with better background separation and very useful focal length.

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