Thursday 29 December 2011

Craneflies with Fujifilm X10

Photo: December 30, 2011 | flickr
I have not used compact cameras for years, and forgot all the fun of point-and-shoot that is always with you. This morning I had ~20 minutes of free time in a small park at Chapel Hill and went to take pictures of unknown flowering vine with Fuji X10. I spotted a pair of mating craneflies on the same vine, and took several pictures in supermacro mode (iso 400, F4.0, 1/75 sec for picture above). The depth of field is quite amazing for F4.0. The insect is Tiger Crane Fly, Nephrotoma australasiae (Tipulidae family) which is quite common in Brisbane, or similar species. As usual, non-modified 100% crop of the original image is posted below.

Another cranefly image on my flikr page.

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