Thursday 6 February 2014

Thom Hogan on Fuji X-T1

Thom Hogan's comments on Fuji X-T1, X system, and mirrorless cameras in general.

For me main reasons of going mirrorless were following:
- small weight and ability to shoot using a rear screen
- price advantage over full frame DSLRs

My eyes became unhappy with small viewfinders on Olympus DSLRs. I tried full frame Nikon D700, and loved it. There were / are two problems with full frame DSLRs: weight and price. This is true for camera and lenses.

Fuji aren't particular cheap, but it got layout I like. The lenses aren't small either but of high quality. With no mirror slap, the camera can be used at low shutter speed with OIS lenses. It also turned out that X-E1 EVF is quite comfortable for my eyes. Keep in mind that photography is my recreational hobby.

For me the biggest minus of mirrorless cameras is a short battery life. I've got a spare battery, but probably need at least two more for a long weekend camping. I rarely shoot moving subjects, so poor continuous autofocus on X-E1 is not an issue for me. Single autofocus is fast and dead on even at close distance. I don't bother with RAW anymore: JPEGs are very good, and offer greater compatibility over RAW format. 

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