Monday 27 January 2014

X-T1 or not X-T1

I made some changes to pages on this blog. The Fuji X-E1 page was split into Fuji X system and Fuji X-E1, and added a new Fuji X-T1 page. I want to have the second X body, and Fuji X-T1  with all these switches and dials looks like a perfect camera for me, so I will add some links to this page after the release of the camera. I thought about getting either X-M1 or X-A1, mainly because of the price. It turned out that I barely use the EVF on my Fuji X-E1 (except for a very bright sunlight), but very often shoot from very awkward positions, and in such situations a tilting screen would be very useful. However, I don't like dials and external controls on both X-M1 and and X-A1. On other hand, Fuji X-T1 got the external controls I really like, plus a tilting (non-fixed) screen. It is also weather-sealed, a huge plus for my occasional trips to a local rainforest. Obviously, such beauty comes with the price tag...  I would prefer a bit less pricier camera with similar controls but without build-in viewfinder, sort of Olympus E-Px line.

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