Tuesday 21 January 2014

Fuji did it again

Mirrorless rumors posted leaked images of of forthcoming Fuji X-T1. Camera got several additional external controls compared to X-E1 / X-E2. The most interesting are the "double dials", something similar to high-end Nikon DSLRs models. The shooting mode switch is under the left (iso) dial, and the exposure settings switch is under the shutter speed dial. The additional switches and iso dial would cover essentially all most frequently used camera control parameters,  without screen. It would be possible to setup the camera in the sleep mode, or even on turned off camera, or just check the parameters in sleep mode. For me, external control on this camera is close to perfect. 

The camera got a tilted screen, too. It turned out that I can get very sharp photos using Fuji X-E1 & XF55-200mm combo at arm length, and tilting screen in this type of shooting would be very useful.

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