Friday 31 January 2014

Fuji X-T1 made to top 20 best selling digital cameras at Amazon

Recently announced Fuji X-T1 is currently in top 20 best selling digital cameras at Amazon. Among all digital cameras, not just compact system cameras (in this category X-T1 is #1). Fuji X-T1 with XF18-55mm lens made to top 100 (all digital cameras). Well done, Fujifilm. This is the most expensive camera in the top 20 list. As with Sony RX100, people are ready to pay a premium price for a good product.

With such demand we may not see this camera in Australia for some time. It is also possible that X-T1 will repeat the life cycle of Fuji X100: it was hard to get X100 for very long time because of overwhelming demand despite of some issues with the camera upon the release. As a result, the price was maintained for very long time. 

There were no any systemic issues with the latest cameras such as X-E1, X-E2, X-M1, X-A1, X100S, so no nasty surprises are expected from X-T1. In addition, Fujifilm has a decent collection of very good prime and zoom lenses.

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