Friday 5 December 2014

Fujinon XF10-24mm in Australian rainforest

Little creek
Albert river circuit, Lamington national park. Fuji X-E1 & XF10-24mm

Santa was kind to me this year (but not very kind to my credit card), so I've got an opportunity to take Fujinon XF10-24mm F4 lens for couple walks in Lamington national park (click on Labels below to see other photos from this wonderful place). Fujifilm rebate on lenses and good pricing policy of a local camera store, CameraPro, here in Brisbane also played an important role in the acquisition of a new toy.   

The widest lens I've used in the past gave me field of view equal to 28mm (full frame). XF10-24mm (15-36mm eqv.) is a new experience for me.

I found the lens extremely useful in rainforest environment, where "zooming by feet" is not always possible. The only  thing I miss at the moment is a polarizing filter.  

Albert river circuit
Albert river circuit, Lamington national park. Fuji X-E1 & XF10-24mm

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