Saturday 14 December 2013

New wallet-friendly Olympus OM-D camera

According to some web rumors, Olympus will release an "entry-level" OM-D camera in nearby future. In Oz Oly E-M1 (body only) is available for about $1500, while E-M5 goes for under $900 (with extras). For comparison: Oly E-P5 body is available for ~ $850. Will the new OM-D camera be cheaper than that?

I guess the new model will use the latest hybrid autofocus as E-M1. Improvement of hybrid autofocus technology allows decent compatibility with 4/3 lenses, so just this feature in affordable body is a very welcome addition to the OM-D range.

In Brisbane I can get Fujinon XF55-200mm F3.5-4.8 lens for $770. If the new OM-D body will be in the same price range, I would be able to use it with ZUIKO 50-200mm F2.8-3.5. No lens swap, just carry two cameras. I would not expect weather-proofing for an entry-level body, but the same true for my Fuji gear.

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